
  • Stream HD quality
  • Easy to use interface
  • Site is mobile-friendly
  • Updated Content
  • Deceptive ads
  • Dull interface
Overall Score 3.5
Popup Ads yes
Mobile friendly yes
Streaming Quality
Page Speed
Sign-Up Required yes
Score 3.5


We, as a civilization, have come a long way in terms of the forms of content we consume for entertainment. In the middle era of the millennia, we used to watch the crafts and performances of the battles of the knights and feats of archery. Then came the books and the extensive libraries built by the empires that stood for centuries, passed down, generation by generation. In the early 20th century, we experienced the first motion pictures.

And ever since then, it has been nearly a century, maybe more, we have stuck to refining the movies and created TV shows to entertain us as a species. From feats of bravery and marksmanship, we have boiled down to sitting on our couches and binging for hours to enjoy content and be entertained.

In all fairness, had our ancestors had access to the level of content we do today, maybe they would have become like us as well. It’s a good thing they didn’t because we can pioneer this as our form of entertainment to pass it down to the next generation as our heirloom, for them to change, tweak, and make something new.

Score 3.5

Thoughts on the design and content

The design of the site, as well as the appearance of the site, can not compete with those of big corporations such as Netflix, prime video or Hulu. They have employed many people to keep improving their design and optimisation to attract new users and subscribers. Free sites such as __ usually have a couple of people behind the developer roles and not many employees, if any, because such sites are generally free, so the lack of income restricts the owners from monetizing it effectively enough to see the site grow a lot.

The sites offer a range of content for the user to enjoy, and the amount of content on offer depends on the traffic the site experiences and attracts. If the site is predominantly American, you may also see an American sports stream on offer since that is what the viewers may want, the viewers may need. The viewers would want to watch a movie, but if they remember their favourite team is playing, they might forget about the movie and tune into the match. This is extremely rare to access on those paid subscription sites.

Score 3.5

Opinion over the experience and recommendation

I love the concept of free sites, taking some of the wind out of those sitting in their corporate offices and helping the people who make these sites easily accessible for 90% of the population that could never dream about subscribing every month. The only way they have to pay for free access is through ads. And, in all fairness, that is somewhat deserved for the developers to gain some revenue via the ads on the site.