
  • Good designg
  • Mobile friendly
  • Huge library of Dramas
  • Slow streaming
Overall Score 4.3
Ads Yes
Popup Ads yes
Mobile friendly yes
Streaming Quality HD
Page Speed Good
Sign-Up Required no
Score 4.3


When it comes to watching or streaming movies or downloading them at a brisk pace in a short time, then there are very few platforms available on the Internet which cater to all the services in one place, which are mentioned above. Also, the channels with official rights to a particular movie, whether a television channel or any online streaming platform today, charge hefty premium money from their subscribers.

Such applications like fast drama are making this free entertainment possible and rapidly becoming popular on the Internet.

Score 4.3

What is Fastdrama?

Fastdrama TV is a platform which allows users to browse and watch unlimited movies, dramas, and TV shows especially Korean entertainment elements in an entirely free-of-cost manner. It is a novel platform that gained tremendous popularity in a brief period.

Score 4.3

How to access Fastdrama?

Fastdrama app is accessed with the help of any internet browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera mini and UC browser. This access is safe as this platform’s developers have prioritised this context. If sometimes it doesn’t get accessed, VPN can also be used to reach it. But most of the time, this secondary connection doesn’t need the users.

Score 4.3

Best Features of Fastdrama

Fast drama TV shows plenty of specifications which can be listed as the positives of this application but still, not all of these have equal contributions to the makeup of this platform. So here is the complete bure6 of the two most contributory features which make this stuff a super platform for watching and streaming entertainment.

Score 4.3

Lags and Bugs Free Content

Fast drama APK download gives a complete lag and bug-free experience with users visiting the platform and clicking on any content to stream for hours consistently. This is the biggest speciality of it which not a single third-party application gives except the first drama. Also, this is the most liked feature of its user base.

Score 4.3

Perfect Graphics and Designs

Fast drama APK has mesmerizing graphics and designs of the platform, which is one of the most contributing factors in the large section of users to get earlier towards it in a speedy manner. This is also a rear thing in third-party apps because they usually charge for free content, and putting graphics into the platform requires massive pocket money.

Score 4.3

Suggestions and Conclusion

The one major thing which can be given to the developers of this platform is the speed of streaming which is an uncommon and standard issue in all third-party applications. Still, fast drama has a primary concern regarding the streaming speed of certain video content. Except this, the developers have fulfilled all the boxes correctly, but this problem needs to be sorted out as soon as possible.